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Inside the Mind: The Battle of Overthinking and Overwhelm

Ever find yourself trapped in a whirlwind of thoughts, endlessly analyzing situations until your brain feels like mush? You're not alone. Overthinking has become somewhat of an epidemic among women today, and working moms are no exception. In fact, I might go so far as to say we face even higher levels of overthinking simply out of the extra role we take on in the workplace. And in all honesty, I've certainly felt the weight in my own mind many times.

Overthinking is more than just thinking about a decision, or even reflecting on the past; it's like getting stuck on a hamster wheel of doubts, assumptions, and trivial details. It drains our energy and robs us of the present moment, leaving us mired in a cycle of worry and rumination.

The problem with overthinking is that it has a way of magnifying our fears and worries, turning molehills into mountains and casting a shadow over even the brightest moments. It's like having a broken record playing in our heads, repeating the same anxieties without offering any real solutions. And sometimes it's all for nothing, as the reality of the situation is clouded by our own lens of doubt that creates a narrative without real validity.

Overthinking eats away at confidence, saps creativity, and can leave us feeling frustrated by indecision. It's no wonder that many women struggle to find peace and restful sleep amidst the constant chatter in our minds.

The more I've talked with other working moms, I've come to realize just how much it can affect every aspect of our daily lives. From productivity at work to being present with our kids, and even getting a restful night of sleep...overthinking can rob us of the peace that can often seem out of reach.

But I am here to share good news: there is hope. Overcoming any mental hurdle requires a combination of self-awareness and proactive strategies. Understanding why we're prone to overthinking—whether it's past trauma, fear of failure, or a need for control—is the first step towards breaking free from its grasp.

When it comes to stopping overthinking in its tracks, there are two main approaches: going around the root issue or going through it. Sometimes, a little distraction is all we need to quiet the noise in our heads—whether it's practicing gratitude, hitting the gym, or immersing ourselves in a hobby. Other times, we may need to confront our thoughts head-on through journaling, talking to a friend, or seeking professional help in the form of therapy who can identify if your overthinking may be related to anxiety. After all, generalized anxiety disorder affects 6.8 million adults, yet only 43.2% of those are receiving treatment. And women are twice as likely to be affected as men.*

So, to all my fellow overthinkers out there, know that you're not alone in this struggle. With self-compassion, support and a willingness to challenge our own thought patterns, we can break free from the shackles of overthinking and embrace the beauty of living in the present moment. After all, life is too precious to be spent lost in a maze of our own making.

Interested in hearing more on this topic? Listen to my recent two-part series of podcast episodes focused directly on overthinking. Click the links below to listen!

Note: I am not a medical provider (physician, psychiatrist, nurse practitioner, therapist, etc). I am not attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any mental or emotional issue, disease or condition.


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Hi, I'm Lacy Jungman

I'm a Certified Working Genius Facilitator, an executive leader, writer, speaker and mom.

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